Workshops Instructors are needed for the 2025 IADR Convention. Each workshop instructor is responsible for determining the cost of their workshop, organizing your workshop class, determining supplies that will be necessary for the workshop and those that will be provided to the student, and teaching the class at the convention. Those workshop instructors that pay the registration for the 2025 IADR Convention will be provided the workshop space for free, non-registered convention instructors are required to pay a 125 Euro fee for the conference room space. Approved workshops that are free to those attending the convention will not be required to pay the 125 Euro fee.
Based on the number of workshops to be offered and spacing available, workshops will be available for both Friday and Saturday (May 16-17, 2025) of the convention. If a workshop instructor is also having a sales table, the instructor will need to coordinate to see if sales table coverage is available while teaching the workshop. The IADR retains the right to limit workshops and sales tables and to approve the content of both.
If you are interested in teaching a workshop at the 2025 IADR Convention, please complete the form and click the submit button. You will be contacted via an email to confirm your convention workshop selection. If you have not received a response within 3 days of your submission, please contact [email protected]. Workshop requests must be submitted by January 31, 2025 to be considered.
Now is the time to start your planning to attend!